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All Things?

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Roman 8:28

Seriously Paul? Everything works for the good of Christians? We’ve seen a lot of bad things happen in the world to Christians. People get sick and die. Christians get divorced. We say and do horrible things. Everything works together for the good? It just can’t be…or can it?

We have faith Paul was inspired when he wrote these words to the Romans. The context is important in all writings, and it is critical here in the Roman letter. In fact, this letter was written before Paul is arrested and taken to Rome. He is still on his missionary journeys quite possibly in Corinth before he heads back to Jerusalem. In the letter itself, Paul is talking about the help God provides in the form of His Spirit. He also alludes to God the Father and His Son. Essentially, Paul tells us that Christians are chosen to become like Jesus for the world with the Spirit helping us in our weaknesses. So when he says all things work together for good, he is alluding to the events in our lives being like the events in Jesus’ life. Think about it. Lots of things happened to Jesus here that seemed not to be “good.” But God makes all things, even death, have purpose.

That is often easier said than done. How do we feel when we lose a loved one? When we get sick? When life keeps giving us lemons without the -ade? I submit to you that even with those things that seems horrible in many cases, God is still working in our lives if we let Him. Think about our own choices. Do we accept the love and grace from our own Church family or do we hide from our issues? Are we looking for the Spirit’s help in our lives or do we drown our sorrows in a variety of self-destructive ways? How do we view the “bad” things that happen to us? I know from personal experience; people tend to run away from God during these tough times. They find temporary solace in other things and forget that God has a plan for those that love Him. This is the key to finding the silver lining in every cloud in our lives.

Are we really willing to let God work in our lives to heal us? Remember the bad things like sickness and divorce and death are not caused or even desired by God. He is here to stop evil and change the way people live forever. So the next time you blame God for the “bad” things in your life, consider how the devil is really the culprit. Whether it is taking away the people we love or helping us self-destruct or just lying to us about why God is punishing us, remember God has a plan for good for His people. So yes, God makes all thing work for the good of His people. We just might have a hard time understanding how He is working until this life is over and the next one begins. But today choose to really love God and experience the good He provides.

Scripture: Isaiah 55:8,9

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