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All Things New!

Look I am making everything new!

Rev 21:7

As a new year is once again upon us, perhaps we can consider who we are today. Are we the people we need to be to serve God in the world? Have we let God change us from the inside out? These are questions we must consider as we continue our Christian journey into the year 2020. Can we consider making our lives fit into God’s plan and not the other way around?

If you are like me, we have made plans for things to do in 2020. We have job and school and vacation plans. We have romantic plans and life goals. We are ready for 2020 or are we? Some people do not plan. They just experience life as it comes to them. Sometimes that is good while at other times, it brings some not so good surprises. Perhaps we can really listen to God as He works in our lives in 2020. Perhaps we can let Him plan for us and help us become the people He needs us to be in the new year. After all, He is “making everything new” and that includes us.

What kind of new do we need in our lives? How does God need to change us? Well I need more patience. I need less temper. I need more love. I need less judgment. Does God really have the ability to change us from the inside out? The best case study in the Bible of this transformation is Saul-Paul. Jesus dramatically changed his life and certainly made Paul a new person. So what about us? Do we need a road to Damascus experience in our lives?

I submit to you that everyone needs this life changing experience with God even if we do not want or expect it. God is making all things new and that includes us. I can hear the concerns now. “Hey, I’m good enough without a traumatic experience in my life.” It’s not about being “good enough.” It’s about being “perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect” according to Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:48). You say “I can’t be perfect,” but Jesus says that is exactly what you must do. Want to argue with Jesus? Not me.

Paul tells us in the second Corinthian letter, that if we are in Christ, we are new people. He has remade us into “perfect” Christians. No that does not mean we still do not sin. It simply means that our sins are made perfect by His blood when we are in Jesus. We have new life in Jesus. This is an eternal life made perfect by Him not us. So let us in 2020 let God make us new people in His sight. Let Him fill us with the light of life and become one of the many things He is making new. You might be surprised what God can do.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

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