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Ambassadors on a Roller Coaster

So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

2 Corinthians 5:20

Ambassador (your name). It has a nice ring to it. How would you like to be an ambassador to a foreign nation? That might be fun and exciting. Could being an ambassador for God in today’s world also be fun and exciting? It might just depend on our perspective.

A roller coaster is fun and exciting to ride. It goes up and down and all around. Perhaps being an ambassador for God to the world can be like this roller coaster ride. We often have our ups and downs as we strive to live our lives for God. Telling the world about God’s love and grace in the form of Jesus should be fun as well as exciting at times. Perhaps if we consider that we are a chosen people (1 Peter 2:9) designed by God to represent Him to the world we might think of our higher calling. It is certainly challenging to know that we are chosen by God to take His message to the world. So, can we live in the world and not be of the world as Jesus says in John 17:14,15. We walk, work, and live in a world that we do not agree with in many cases. We shine God’s light into people’s lives that do not know Him. It should be fun for us to help people find God in their lives and return to Him. He guides us and helps us and supports us in this effort. We need to find fun in being God’s ambassadors to our world just as we desire to get on the roller coaster.

But the roller coaster is also exciting to ride. It goes up and down and all around. Perhaps our ambassadorship is like that in the world today. We have our up days and then we have our down days. We celebrate together and we mourn together ala Romans 12:15. No one knows what tomorrow may bring. That should be exciting for us. Of course, some people dread what may happen tomorrow. Instead of looking forward to the events that God has planned for His ambassadors, we cringe at the thought of something “bad” happening. I keep in mind that we will never know the mind of God because his thoughts and ways are not ours according to Isaiah 55:8,9. So remember that God has a plan and we need to trust Him in all situations. The unknown events should be exciting for us and not something we fear.

Accept the mantel of ambassadorship from God and get on His roller coaster of life. Eagerly desire the gifts He promises. Look for both the fun and excitement of representing Him in this fallen world. You may have some fun and excitement, but you will not be disappointed!

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

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