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"Let Me Teach You"

Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29

Sunday school actually started in the 1700’s in England as Christians brought poor and orphaned kids into a church building on Sunday to teach them how to read and about God. It really was a Sunday school situation. This idea exploded in England with over a million poor children being educated in Sunday schools by 1831. Teaching people about God became synonymous with schools established by Christians for the poor who had very little opportunity to become educated.

Today our American Sunday schools seem to be disappearing. Why do we question the value of Biblical education in the midst of modern society? Jesus in the above quote indicates that people need to be taught. They need to know about Him, the good news of salvation, and how to live as Christians. I think Jesus is teaching us how to be “real” people who live as God intends us to live. Jesus tells us that He can help us find rest for our souls. Here I do not think He is simply saying when we pass on from this life, we go to heaven. I think he means we can live a peaceful life here on earth in His Kingdom. The bottom line for this discussion is that Jesus is asking to teach us in our own private Sunday school.

So how does Jesus teach us? Well as we have discussed this is one of the key tenets of the Great Commission. We make disciples by both baptizing them and teaching them everything Jesus teaches us. Today we have Scripture that helps us understand exactly what Jesus taught and what it means for us today. We are taught by Jesus today through Scripture, the Spirit, and His Church. He wants us to rest in Him (vs 28). He provides that rest via His teachings about how we live in the Kingdom. And He ensures we know that His teachings are not onerous but doable (vs 30). We need the teachings of Jesus to live complete lives.

The last note about Jesus’ plea to let Him teach us is that the ball really is in our court. Jesus is ready to teach us with all the modern spiritual tools at His disposal. We just have to let Him. We must prioritize Sunday school in our lives and our kids’ lives. We take them to church and Sunday school because we want them to know about God and His plan for the world. We should want to learn from Jesus. His Spirit impels us to grow and mature as His followers. Scripture helps us know what He taught and we are able to see that in His people today. Christians need the teaching of Jesus now more than ever in our modern world.

“Let me teach you.”

Scripture: Matthew 10:28-30

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