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What is your potential?

It (the Kingdom of God) is like a mustard seed planted in the ground.

Mark 4:31

In Dr Levine’s book, short stories by Jesus, she invites us to see the challenging aspects of the parables told by Jesus. As she summarizes her views on the mustard seed parable, she identifies both the potential of the seed and its end result. Obviously each of us has potential in God’s Kingdom. The challenge is often just to reach that potential. Today we will try to understand how this “smallest of all seeds” (vs31) challenges each of us to become the “largest of garden plants” (vs32) in God’s Kingdom.

There are many obvious explanations of this story about a mustard seed. God’s Kingdom starts small and grows large enough to shelter people here and forever (birds of heaven). Jesus is trying to explain how small things can produce large results. But as we personalize the story to our lives, can we envision the seed representing potential. What kind of plant is produced by this seed? I love to grow giant sunflowers in my garden. Last year Grace and I planted the relatively small seeds in the garden and twelve foot plants grew. All kinds of animals used the plant as it was growing and when it matured. Seeds have amazing potential.

But there are some other lessons this parable should teach us concerning seeds. Dr Levine reminds us that seeds need to be left in the ground. You cannot dig them out every day and expect them to grow. So some things in God’s Kingdom need to grow in their own time and we often just need to get out of the way and let God work. It’s often not about us, but about God. Finally, the story should remind us that God’s Kingdom is alive and well all around us. We are living in the natural world and God’s Kingdom is growing our world into a place that takes care of all people. We can all nest in the branches of the Kingdom if we want.

Finally, potential is nice, but it must be actualized. That is to say, the seed must be watered, fertilized, and have access to the sun. People in God’s Kingdom are nurtured in the same way so that they can reach their potential in God’s time. Each of us must grow spiritually in order to actualize our potential. We all have God-given talents and are expected to use them for God’s glory. Let us all pray today that we may become the “mustard plant” God needs in His Kingdom now and forever.

Scripture: Mark 4:30-32

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