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“So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.”

Matthew 20:16

Charlie Sheen is forever remembered for a drug induced rant that included the famous word, “Winning,” as his whole world came tumbling down around him. I think this proves that we can convince ourselves of anything we want in our lives. Today’s challenge is to take the lesson from the parable of the workers in the vineyard and understand that “winning” is not important in God’s Kingdom.

We are trained to win from birth. Winning often includes little things like getting more food or more toys or more educational opportunities. Sports reinforces the importance of winning. Of course, as Christians, we often ascribe our winning to God’s blessings, but sometimes they are the opposite. Imagine a person whose whole life is dedicated to winning at a sport (say golf). They are successful in high school and college. They go on the mini-tour circuit and have some modest success. But they never make it to the real PGA tour. They are in their mid-20’s and know a lot about golf, but their life is stalled. They don’t have a job skill. There is no significant other in their life. They drink too much and are trying not to become addicted to drugs. They are very far away from God. Their initial winning wasn’t really a blessing but a curse. Their whole identity is tied up in who they were on the golf course and now they are lost. Thankfully winning is not what is important in God’s Kingdom.

Workers in the vineyard expected to get paid more at the end of the day than the late comers, but the owner paid everyone a full day’s wage. The first workers didn’t win the wage battle. God has one wage for His workers: eternal life. Salvation is not a competition. We do not compete with other Christians in the race of life for our eternal crown. I don’t think there will be a prioritized pecking order in heaven. Saints are saints. The saved are saved. We all need to embrace the value of our “full day’s pay.”

Charlie Sheen is a beautiful soul who God wants in His Kingdom. Do we look down on “winning” Charlie or do we pray for him and ask God to help him into the Kingdom? What about other religious people who we don’t agree with? Do we delude ourselves and say we are “winning,” and they are not? Who is underserving of God’s love and salvation? Is it possible that all servants of God, no matter their faith, are “winners” in His Kingdom? Jesus’ words after this parable are “the last will be first and the first will be last.” So perhaps we should not be focused on “winning” and instead focus on humbly working in the vineyard now, welcome our fellow workers as God prepares them, and expect the same salvation as all of God’s workers. Let’s make ourselves last in this world in order to be prepared for our first place in the next life.

Scripture: Matthew 20:16

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